Preparing your teen for gold coast roads

Teaching your teenager to drive is one thing. But sending them out for the first time by themselves… could there be anything scarier? There is a reason why insurance premiums are so high for younger drivers. Due to inexperience silly mistakes can be made. For many teens and parents a trial and error attitude towards driving can be manifested. There are a few things you can do in preparing your teen for our Gold Coast roads.

Prepare the vehicle. The most important thing to do is check the car they are driving is safe with your local mechanic. Teach them about dashboard warning lights, how to check oil levels and when they should be taking their car in for servicing. Furthermore, teaching them how to change a flat will give them at the very least further knowledge and understanding about the car they are driving. Come and visit Bud’s Tyres for a free tyre check and we can also teach them how to check PSI and tread depth.

Driving around the Gold Coast is very different depending on where you are going. It is important that they learn in different driving conditions. Although you may live in a quiet suburb where you only ever see a few cars on the road, it is important to mix it up. This includes driving at night and at peak-hour, highway driving and experiencing merging in lanes ahead of time with highly congested traffic.

Driving instructors are trained in specific situations and have mastered the fundamentals of driving. It can be highly beneficial to get a second, trained adult to teach them how to drive, explained differently.

Outline the steps to take if they are in a minor collision and how to report it. Underline what their insurance company will provide in the case of an accident so they do not panic

Good Luck!

In conclusion, if you teach your teen how to behave on the roads, they may be a better driver straight away than someone who has been driving for 20 years. They may even be better than you! Educating them is highly important in ensuring their safety on the roads and preparing them for the unexpected. If you or their driving instructor can spend the time educating them on things other than how to drive, they will be a great driver.

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Mon - Fri: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturday: 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
